tirana, stephen steinbrink
tirana, stephen steinbrink + video on youtube
- portfolio
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Austria License.
2013 | mostly music photography
snoww crystal *
snoww crystal *
transformer inauguration - johan lange
transformer inauguration - johan lange
·Y· (aka ypsilon)
·Y· (aka ypsilon)
beach girls and the monster, just friends and lovers
beach girls and the monster, just friends and lovers
mekongg delta, plaided
mekongg delta, plaided part of haens and his friends, open days at the academy of fine arts vienna.
13jahre.klingt.org with chaosometer, dieb13, franz hautzinger, geissler/pabst/janka, klaus filip & billy roisz, pendler, radian, when the sea becomes the sky
2012 | mostly music photography
riot grrrl filmtage wien
she said destroy, dirty hands on a trash like you and stefanie sourial at riot grrrl filmtage wien - party like it's 1992
ant car, ash my love
ant car, ash my love at club d'hommage
thunderdrone (lifetime.corp vienna)
thunderdrone (lifetime.corp vienna)
karl kilian birthday bash
rambo rambo rambo, lars stigler, chra, alexander hengl, bella angora, amere meander, cherry sunkist, tanz baby!, the gore-gore-boys at karl kilians birthday bash
sweet, sweet moon, dust covered carpet
sweet, sweet moon, dust covered carpet
lichenisierung: fm zombiemaus, theclosing, squalloscope
fm zombiemaus, theclosing, squalloscope at lichenisierung
club d'hommage - pixies night
crystal soda cream, monsterheart, black fox tropikal, a thousand fuegos and picksüß at club d'hommage - pixies night
a thousand fuegos
a thousand fuegos + videos on youtube
krafftmalerei & guests
krafftmalerei & guests + videos on youtube
eloui & guests
eloui & guests
beach girls and the monster, magnetic poetry, human tetris
beach girls and the monster, magnetic poetry, human tetris / dendritic shows + a video on youtube
nil desperandum #13
nil desperandum #13 with photos of nincompoop, a thousand fuegos + rudi + panda eyes + lisa, brooke's bedroom + andi fettkakao + crazy bitch in a cave, stefanie sourial + ms. bourbon
go die big city
go die big city + videos on youtube
idklang, kajkyt
idklang, kajkyt + videos on youtube
dd kern + philipp quehenberger
dd kern + philipp quehenberger
2011 | mostly music photography
rokko anal & the coathangers
rokko anal & the coathangers + videos on youtube
5 years of seayou records
squalloscope, a thousand fuegos, die eternias celebrating 5 years of seayou records + videos on youtube
SOTB (sex on the beach)
SOTB (sex on the beach) + videos on youtube
ana threat feat. rita rumble + kate kristal
ana threat feat. rita rumble + kate kristal + videos on youtube
moustache of insanity
moustache of insanity + video on youtube
das fieber, sparrow and the workshop
das fieber, sparrow and the workshop + videos on youtube
boris, izc, christoph kummerer, nsa (neon squid autopsy), billy roisz, monoton
boris, izc, christoph kummerer, N-S-A, billy roisz, monoton + videos on youtube
die heiterkeit
die heiterkeit / nil desperandum + videos on youtube
markus schrodt / dot.matrix
markus schrodt / dot.matrix / club d'hommage + videos on youtube
rokko anal and the coathangers, [[[ALTAR:THRON]]]
rokko anal and the coathangers, [[[ALTAR:THRON]]] / stirn prumzer + videos on youtube
paper bird
paper bird + videos on youtube
mäuse, the happy kids
mäuse, the happy kids + videos on youtube
koenigleopold + videos on youtube
kajkyt, id, mussurunga
kajkyt, id, mussurunga + videos on youtube
the maybe men, couscous, phantom power 48v
the maybe men, couscous, phantom power 48v + videos on youtube
crazy bitch in a cave
crazy bitch in a cave + videos on youtube
veronika muchitsch, another rabbit for..., crystal soda cream, radare
veronika muchitsch, another rabbit for..., crystal soda cream, radare + videos on youtube / dendritic shows = 3
erynnia, love academy, be forest
erynnia, love academy, be forest + videos on youtube / dendritic shows = 3
die eternias, vortex rex
die eternias, vortex rex + videos on youtube / club d'hommage
guertelnightwalk xiv
fugu and the cosmic mumu, marilies jagsch + band, bernhard schnur + band + videos on youtube
filou, mäuse
filou, mäuse + videos on youtube
ana threat feat. rita rumble
ana threat feat. rita rumble + videos on youtube
sex on the beach, fnessnej
sex on the beach, fnessnej + videos on youtube
goldsoundz, future islands
goldsoundz, future islands + videos on youtube
b.fleischmann, rokko anal and the coathangers
b.fleischmann, rokko anal and the coathangers
mondo ray
mondo ray
elvis tribute
elvis tribute: drunkheart, brosd koal, jolly & the handkerchiefs, rewolfinger, go! go! gorillo, rambo rambo rambo, ernesty international and bernhard schnur
volcano the bear
volcano the bear + video on youtube
the gore-gore-boys
the gore-gore-boys + video on youtube
jools hunter
jools hunter + video on youtube / seayou abc
NEWS: youtube videos I'll be uploading some videos on youtube from time to time. there's a link up on top of this page too. thought I'd let you know.
vortex rex
vortex rex + video on youtube / nil desperandum #5
sweet sweet moon
sweet sweet moon
loose lips sink ships
loose lips sink ships + video on youtube
turn on my theta! (reprise)
supra+, primordial undermind, nsa (neon squid autopsy), grinddaddy, upperclass shoplifters + video on youtube / turn on my theta! (reprise)
die eternias
die eternias / seayou abc!
tempest chest, klit clique
tempest chest, klit clique / what a drag!
joasihno / weird kong
joel harries
joel harries + video on youtube / *please*stay*at*home*
sonic annihilation, combineharvester
sonic annihilation, combineharvester
telly is the tube
telly is the tube
miami warhead
miami warhead
cherry sunkist
cherry sunkist
kriilaliina aka kathi pling
kriilaliina aka kathi pling
aber das leben lebt
aber das leben lebt
lars stigler
lars stigler / premium sunday
fettkakao sampler release
stefanie sourial + choir (feat. lisa max), brooke's bedroom, fettkakao andi, andreas erstling, mile me deaf, katarina from sex jams and many more
beat beat, french films
beat beat, french films
kogumaza, zomes
kogumaza, zomes / dendritic shows
strange forces
strange forces / seayou abc
the dreams, headwar
the dreams, headwar / nil desperandum / 13th anniversary of rhiz
13 jahre rhiz: dieb13, the happy kids, sir tralala & the golden glanders
dieb13, the happy kids, sir tralala & the golden glanders / 13th anniversary of rhiz
jennyfair: johann neumeister, IMCakaLLEROC, wegwerfpizza, na
johann neumeister, IMCakaLLEROC, wegwerfpizza, na / jennyfair 2011
popfest pt.2: beat beat, sex jams, the happy kids, mäuse
beat beat, sex jams, the happy kids, mäuse popfest 2011, pt.2
popfest pt.1: broken.heart.collector, crazy bitch in a cave, cherry sunkist
broken.heart.collector, crazy bitch in a cave, cherry sunkist popfest 2011, pt.1
fist receiver, z.B.: übt nix, kann alles, skizze, malmoe chor, holly may and bonanza jellybean
fist receiver, z.B.: übt nix, kann alles, skizze, malmoe chor, holly may and bonanza jellybean / 10 jahre quote
rani b + hanno schnegg, vom grill, cruise family, dd kern + philipp quehenberger
rani b + hanno schnegg, vom grill, cruise family, dd kern + philipp quehenberger
waikiki star destroyer
waikiki star destroyer / club d'hommage #16
sex on the beach, sex jams
sex on the beach, sex jams / noise appeal
paper bird, ian fisher, ana threat
paper bird, ian fisher, ana threat
ana threat & rita rumble
ana threat & rita rumble
the gore-gore-boys
the gore-gore-boys
ernesty international
ernesty international press conference
sweet sweet moon
sweet sweet moon / *please*stay*at*home*
paper bird, ernesty international, margaret unknown, die eternias, das trojanische pferd, klüb musik, sheriff melone + sir tralala, vortex rex
paper bird, ernesty international, margaret unknown, die eternias, das trojanische pferd, klüb musik, sheriff melone + sir tralala, vortex rex
sex on the beach
sex on the beach / delta punk
gertrud stein, agent side grinder
gertrud stein, agent side grinder / future echo
martin & the evil eyes of nur
martin & the evil eyes of nur
club d'hommage #15
crazy bitch in a dave, the nobody's faults, paper bird, a thousand fuegos, rambo rambo rambo / club d'hommage #15
stefanie sourial
stefanie sourial
le toy
le toy
das fieber
das fieber
former ghosts
former ghosts
luise pop
luise pop
mayr & derhunt
mayr & derhunt / club popo
lelkem / popkulturgemüsebeet
kollektiv akt 2: dr. katz, mario rechtern & margaret unknown
dr. katz, mario rechtern & margaret unknown / kollektiv akt 2
lars stigler
lars stigler / *please*stay*at*home*
sir tralala & the golden glanders
sir tralala & the golden glanders
nitro mahalia
nitro mahalia and guests: nin com poop, eva jantschitsch (aka gustav), christian egger, chris janka, the monosyllabistic girl
turn on my theta
lafidki, martin siewert + dieb13, phal:angst, thalija / turn on my theta
pendler + bernhard breuer, ease, mimu.merz, tsfbon and bagdasarov/pollack/schweighart/vatagin / 11jahre.klingt.org
antcar + roberta lima
antcar + roberta lima / *please*stay*at*home*
2010 | mostly music photography
jasmina maschina, golden diskó ship
jasmina maschina, golden diskó ship / *please*stay*at*home*
broken heart collector
broken heart collector
cover recordings: ernst tiefenthaler & eloui rainer shakey & the lovers of old black, laokoongruppe, and protestant work ethic
ernst tiefenthaler & eloui rainer shakey & the lovers of old black, laokoongruppe, and protestant work ethic / cover recordings
fritz ostermayer, sir tralala and the golden glanders
fritz ostermayer, sir tralala and the golden glanders / salon melone
agent cooper, bell etage
agent cooper, bell etage / salon melone
paper bird + marilies jagsch
paper bird + marilies jagsch / *please*stay*at*home*
sauna 2010 pt4
thenix, amere meander, theclosing and kosmoprolet sauna 2010 pt4
((( div )))
((( div )))
das fieber
das fieber
sauna 2010 pt3
tectonics, paul deflorian, the gore-gore-boys at sauna 2010
first fatal kiss, tankris
first fatal kiss, tankris / salon melone
sauna 2010 pt2
paper bird at sauna 2010
sauna 2010 pt1
chra, cherry sunkist, mutt tricx at sauna 2010
loose lips sink ships
loose lips sink ships
dark servants of the squid lord, barberos
dark servants of the squid lord, barberos
sampleslaya feat. mussurunga
sampleslaya feat. mussurunga
beautiful boys
beautiful boys / *please*stay*at*home*
morbidelli brothers, ernesty international
morbidelli brothers, ernesty international
bell etage
bell etage
lagomasino/fishkin, schnaak
lagomasino/fishkin, schnaak / rokko's adventures
my wet calvin
my wet calvin / popkulturgemüsebeet
mon insomnie, plaided, a thousand fuegos
mon insomnie, plaided, a thousand fuegos at festkakao
paper bird, crazy bitch in a cave
paper bird, crazy bitch in a cave at festkakao
gürtelnightwalk: bulbul, tumido, m185, sir tralala and the golden glanders
bulbul, tumido, m185, sir tralala and the golden glanders at gürtelnightwalk xiii
artists in revolt
artists in revolt
vortex rex, die eternias
vortex rex, die eternias / seayou abc
beat beat
beat beat
rabe / club popo
goldsoundz, wild nothing
goldsoundz, wild nothing / dendritic shows
united movement
united movement
dot dash, jonesin', zs, antcar, mimu, the nobody's faults, makki, paper bird, vera k.
dot dash, jonesin' and zs at rhiz, antcar and mimu at club blumen, the nobody's faults, makki, paper bird and vera k. at camillas house concert #2
aas der basis, babelfishh and the ohlsons
aas der basis, babelfishh and the ohlsons / rokko's adventures
dot dash, jonesin'
dot dash, jonesin'
black fox tropikal, a thousand fuegos
black fox tropikal, a thousand fuegos / tropic like it's hot seayou abc!
analog stuff form here and there
camillas house concert #1 with marilies jagsch, antcar, the beautiful boys // a thousand fuegos // fatal idoli kiss
nutstock: sweet sweet moon, primordial undermind, tempel solaire, loose lips sink ships + mimu
sweet sweet moon, primordial undermind, tempel solaire and loose lips sink ships + mimu at nutstock festival
fatal idoli kiss
fatal idoli kiss
shotgun jimmie
shotgun jimmie / *please*stay*at*home* meets the sheriff melone
lesley flanigan, mimu, it's not fair, möström, billy roisz + kutin
lesley flanigan, mimu, it's not fair, möström, billy roisz + kutin
doomenfels, combineharvester, zea
doomenfels, combineharvester, zea / dendritic shows
a thousand fuegos
a thousand fuegos
calais, terror bird
calais, terror bird / dendritic shows
ernesty international
ernesty international
conny ochs, dead western, nsa
conny ochs, dead western, nsa / rokko's adventures
socknuts? (notstock!) pt.2
mimu feat. rash, loose lips sink ships (meaghan burke, david schweighart, simon usaty, werner kitzmüller) at socknuts? (notstock!)
socknuts? (notstock!) pt.1
tempel solaire, primordial undermind at socknuts? (notstock!)
the gore-gore-boys, kosmoprolet
the gore-gore-boys, kosmoprolet
susanna gartmayer + dieb13
susanna gartmayer + dieb13
effi / popkulturgemüsebeet
loose lips sink ships
loose lips sink ships
crystal soda ceam
crystal soda ceam
meshes to meshes: (the monosyllabistic girl), l'asino and möström
(the monosyllabistic girl - sorry, no photos of her), l'asino and möström performing live to three separate screenings of maya derens meshes of the afternoon
the happy kids, electronicat
the happy kids, electronicat
new dirge
new dirge
ader rebell
ader rebell / club popo
snailhouse / club weird kong
neither/nor *please*stay*at*home*
queerograd pt3
bubul feat. nin com poop and club homohölle with sabine m., black band and djane teutonia at queerograd day 3
queerograd pt2
toxic dreams, dr.didi bruckmayr and black band at queerograd day 2
queerograd pt1
casper g zehner, gerhard scheit, toxic dreams, rummelsnuff and club homohölle with faun74, black band and seingold smegma at queerograd day 1
luise pop
luise pop
daily bread
daily bread / popkulturgemüsebeet
brain managerz, ((( d i v )))
brain managerz, ((( d i v ))) / soho in ottakring
marilies jagsch
marilies jagsch
woodchucker, library tapes, the pattern theory
woodchucker, library tapes, the pattern theory
c.o.l.t. (country of last things)
c.o.l.t. (country of last things)
rhiz = 12: brooke's bedroom
brooke's bedroom / rhiz = 12
rhiz = 12: villalog, hella comet, bulbul
villalog, hella comet, bulbul / rhiz = 12
the happy kids
the happy kids / club weird kong
battle scars: lydia lunch, mia zabelka, christina nemec
battle scars: lydia lunch, mia zabelka, christina nemec
popfest pt2
trojanische pferd (guest appearance: paper bird), songs of claire madison, vortex rex, hunx and his punx and a thousand fuegos at popfest (part 2)
popfest pt1
sir tralala, neuschnee, mob (guest appearance robert rotifer), parkwächter harlekin, astro panda, mimu at nite and killed by 9v batteries at popfest (part 1)
antcar / *please*stay*at*home*
das fieber, when yuppies go to hell, supra+
das fieber, when yuppies go to hell, supra+ / jennyfair
maispace: konrad becker, kosmoprolet, philipp quehenberger & didi kern
konrad becker, kosmoprolet, philipp quehenberger & didi kern / maispace
picture eyes, sex jams
picture eyes, sex jams / dendritic shows
tv buddhas, men
tv buddhas, men / crossing europe film festival
ovo, nadja, thrones
ovo, nadja, thrones
das fieber
das fieber
ernesty international
ernesty international
LOVE_4.2. with photos of cherry sunkist, who loves the sun, andreas kurz, steak, pablo picasso, weber/sturm, chra, I've locked my heart and krafftmalerei
papier tigre
papier tigre
jakuzi's attempt, zeni geva
jakuzi's attempt, zeni geva
wilhelm show me the microphone 4 pt2
wilhelm show me the mic #4 pt2 with photos of the pharmacy and sex jams
wilhelm show me the microphone 4 pt1
wilhelm show me the mic #4 pt1 with photos of oreaganomics (live via skype), upperclass shoplifters and vortex rex
alloy alloy
alloy alloy
crazy bitch in a cave
crazy bitch in a cave
nitro mahalia, sabot
nitro mahalia, sabot
bernd supper
bernd supper / *please*stay*at*home*
kurt cobain tribute
kurt cobain tribute with photos of sir tralala + ernesty international, vortex rex, pieter gabriel, tiefseetaucher, captain knife and dr. karaoke
sex on the beach
sex on the beach
gustav & band, frau herz
gustav & band, frau herz / anti repression solidarity-party
amere meander, kosmoprolet
amere meander, kosmoprolet
crystal soda cream, pterodactyl
crystal soda cream, pterodactyl
a thousand fuegos, no kids, mount eerie
a thousand fuegos, no kids, mount eerie
mimu & ritornell, gianni stiletto, evirgen / visuals: .mrt., montage sauvage
mimu & ritornell, gianni stiletto, evirgen / visuals: .mrt., montage sauvage / elektrofachadel
pendler, charmant rouge
pendler, charmant rouge / karate joe label night
fußfresser, smegmagnom
fußfresser, smegmagnom
((( d i v )))
((( d i v )))
the jangletones
the jangletones
the gore-gore-kids
the gore-gore-kids
morbidelli brothers, die eternias
morbidelli brothers, die eternias / popkulturwanne
tracker, the striggles, jakuzi's attempt
tracker, the striggles, jakuzi's attempt / daneben festival
broken envelope
broken envelope / popkulturgemüsebeet
the happy kids, beatbeat, the makeouts
the happy kids, beatbeat, the makeouts
over at the stars
over at the stars
liger / *please*stay*at*home*
lake, karl blau
lake, karl blau
goldsoundz / *please*stay*at*home*
mukra, tarentatec, osis krull
mukra, tarentatec, osis krull / rokkos adventures
steak, cherry sunkist, guy bored
steak, cherry sunkist, guy bored / comfort zone release night
martin & the evil eyes of nur
martin & the evil eyes of nur
haiti benefiz pt. 2
der nino aus wien (with special guest soap&skin), aber das leben lebt and vortex rex
haiti benefiz pt. 1
stephan stanzel & lukas lauermann, paper bird, fennesz, clara luzia & heidi dokalik and frenk lebel
liger, dust covered carpet
liger, dust covered carpet
paper bird
paper bird
mimu at nite
mimu at nite (*please*stay*at*home*)
10 jahre klingt.org (part 2)
10 jahre klingt.org (part 2) with photos of broken heart collector, I wanna boogie with you, dirac and skylla.
10 jahre klingt.org (part 1)
10 jahre klingt.org (part 1) with photos of institut fuer transakustische forschung, z.b., the klingt.orgestra and mediated meetings.
captain knife, sir tralala
captain knife, sir tralala
popkulturgemüsebeet open mic part 2
popkulturgemüsebeet open mic with photos of der stein des waisen and brain managerz
popkulturgemüsebeet open mic part 1
popkulturgemüsebeet open mic with photos of dr. karaoke and sir tralala with soap&skin
first fatal kiss, gaffa
first fatal kiss, gaffa
2009 | mostly music photography
captain cosmetic
captain cosmetic
the happy kids
the happy kids
the dieter von kroll experience, beauties of the night
the dieter von kroll experience, beauties of the night
karin depp, plaided
karin depp, plaided
artists in revolt, jakuzi's attempt
artists in revolt, jakuzi's attempt and a wire globe jam session
marilies jagsch
marilies jagsch
a tribute to depeche mode pt 2
a tribute to depeche mode pt 2
a tribute to depeche mode pt 1
a tribute to depeche mode pt 1
luise pop
luise pop
bonnie li
bonnie li
black fox tropikal
black fox tropikal
pamelia kurstin + kristin bøyesen
pamelia kurstin + kristin bøyesen
lonely drifter karen
lonely drifter karen
sir tralala + soap&skin (#unibrennt)
sir tralala + soap&skin playing at the squatted audimax (university of vienna). check out www.unsereuni.at for more info.
paper bird, sir tralala
paper bird, sir tralala
edie sedgwick
edie sedgwick
die eternias
die eternias
tickley feather
tickley feather
upperclass shoplifters
upperclass shoplifters
gustav (#unibrennt)
gustav playing at the squatted audimax (university of vienna). check out www.unsereuni.at for more info.
comfortzone labelnight
comfortzone labelnight with photos of frau herz, cherry sunkist, chra + mutt + taiga
sex jams, the striggles, reflector
sex jams, the striggles, reflector
dope aviators
dope aviators
lasse matthiessen
lasse matthiessen (+bernhard eder)
vortex rex
vortex rex
sweet, sweet moon
sweet, sweet moon
kira kira
kira kira
a thousand fuegos
a thousand fuegos
bock ma's day 3 (pt.2)
bock ma's day 3 pt.2 with photos of gustav + band
bock ma's day 3 (pt.1)
bock ma's day 3 pt.1 with photos of ghettoman & the firemen crew, upperclass shoplifters, rentokill, da staummtisch, 50% of tumido and 75% of braaz and stimmgewitter augustin & seven sioux
bock ma's day 2
bock ma's day 2 with photos of sound diary, you know, good enough for you, fiva & phekt, skaputnik, ja, panik and kein vorspiel.
bock ma's day 1
bock ma's day 1 with photos of agitation, luise pop, britta (feat. ja, panik), les hommes sauvages and kreisky.
bock ma's preview
bock ma's preview - relax, proper photo sets will show up in the next few days.
analog recap / misc
schnitzels, birds (not really) and stuff
sweet, sweet moon / 6pm
sweet, sweet moon / 6pm
antoine chessex + pure / mussurunga feat. alexandra von bolz'n
antoine chessex + pure / mussurunga feat. alexandra von bolz'n
hotel pupik (pt. 1)
hotel pupik (pt. 1)
dragging an ox through water, jackie-o motherfucker
dragging an ox through water, jackie-o motherfucker
the scarabeusdream
the scarabeusdream
frau herz feat. the killer kissers sisters
frau herz feat. the killer kissers sisters
sir tralala
sir tralala
tar...feathers, ättestupa
tar...feathers, ättestupa
beatbeat, sir tralala, valina
beatbeat, sir tralala, valina
arthur russell tribute
an arthur russell tribute with sir tralala, a thousand fuegos, florian obkircher, brooke's bedroom and b.fleischmann
morr music night
it's a musical, borko, sin fang bous / a please stay at home evening
beatismurder labelnight
rvltd, dust covered carpet, liger
waikiki star destroyer
waikiki star destroyer
ilsebill, vivian girls
ilsebill, vivian girls
noël, sorry gilberto
noël, sorry gilberto / a quiet riot
psychic TV
psychic TV
strassenfest kettenbrueckengasse + dcc
good for cows, vortex rex, b. fleischmann, jeremy jay and dust covered carpet, though latter playing at ragnarhof.
decker/herbst, dieb13, nsa
decker/herbst, dieb13, nsa / dilemma records night
paper bird
paper bird / a quiet riot
sir tralala
sir tralala
makki & frau herz
makki & frau herz
holy fuck
holy fuck
analog recap: white circle crime club / passe montagne
white cirlce crime club / passe montagne at crossing europe film festival
not too loud josephine / nach der doktor vornoff strategie
not too loud josephine / nach der doktor vornoff strategie
liger / a quiet riot
jakuzi's attempt / zeni geva
jakuzi's attempt / zeni geva
frau herz & sir tralala
frau herz & sir tralala
golden diskó ship & jasmina maschina
golden diskó ship & jasmina maschina
allroh / ms chra & ms mutt feat. die taiga
allroh / ms chra & ms mutt feat. die taiga
das fieber, panther
das fieber, panther
laokoongruppe x kilo x bljak! x guest: eva jantschitsch
norah noizzze & band
norah noizzze & band
the scarabeusdream
the scarabeusdream
frau herz
frau herz feat. killer kissers sisters
fru fru
fru fru
luise pop
luise pop
boff lemurr
boff lemurr
analog recap IV
analog recap IV with frau herz & sir tralala, instruments of oblivion, aber das leben lebt.
analog recap III
analog recap III with the morbidelli brothers, mrs. pilgrimm, tupolev, beauties of the night
autark labelnight
autark labelnight
the big empty
the big empty / a quiet riot.
smash §278 part 2
bulbul at the smash § 278 soli-party.
smash §278 part 1
m185, gschu, first fatal kiss, glutamat at the smash § 278 soli-party.
m185 / crystal stilts
m185 / crystal stilts
]a[open days
open days at the academy of fine arts vienna with manta ray and lots of other bands of which I got to shoot two more before exhaustion. can't remember or find their names, so if you could help me out, do me a favour.
I am the horseman, kira kira
I am the horseman, kira kira
9jahre.klingt.org with (with pendler, pdt, frufru, noiset, skylla, martin siewert & dieb13, joe williamson and stefan geissler).
gute nacht john-boy, dust covered carpet
gute nacht john-boy, dust covered carpet
manta ray, thee
manta ray, thee
brain managerz
brain managerz
2008 | mostly music photography
fitze fatze 10
bulbul vs rhiz celebrating new year's eve.
1 year of problembär records
der nino aus wien, mob, birne helene
destroy, munich / killed by 9v batteries
destroy, munich / killed by 9v batteries
sir tralala
sir tralala
makki & frau herz
makki & frau herz
a thousand fuegos
a thousand fuegos
mord / m185
mord / m185
fitze fatze 9
bulbul + neon squid autopsy
shineform + didi bruckmayr + sigi aigner (aka mussurunga)
25 years of an.schläge
25 years of an.schläge with kat frankie, fist receiver, pop:sch (con gas), cindy wonderful and a drag-king performance of königindernacht & kronprinz ernesto I.
liger, sir tralala
liger & sir tralala
blue bird 2008
photos of the sleeping years, marilies jagsch, okkervil river and the hollows
blue bird 2008
photos of gustav & band
blue bird 2008
photos of the miserable rich, baby dee, michael gira
blue bird 2008
photos of wallis bird, cloud nine, soko and maria doyle kennedy
fitze fatze 8
bulbul + sir tralala / fitze fatze #8. they got the blues.
analog recap II
some analog moments from bambiland, makki & frau herz, reflector, tupolev, mossy rock, thee silver mount zion memorial orchestra & tralala band, sofie tafjord, sudden infant, alexander tucker and bohren und der club of gore.
werner kitzmüller, polite sleeper
werner kitzmüller, polite sleeper
dandies&darlings, parenthetical girls
dandies&darlings, parenthetical girls
tupolev, makki&frau herz and reflector
david pfister & sir tralala
happy birthday, my dearest, my strangest. sir tralala, david pfister and many wonderful guests celebrating.
oh how we to and fro
mika vember with börn, ernst molden, metalycee with maja osojnik and makki & frau herz.
fm4 soundpark clash
cherry sunkist and kreisky at the fm4 soundpark clash
xiu xiu
xiu xiu
these are powers
these are powers
lonely drifter karen
lonely drifter karen
fitzefatze #7
bulbul + susanna gartmayer
maja osojnik band
maja osojnik band
sir tralala+frau herz, the morbidelli brother, morgan orion
sir tralala/frau herz and the morbidelli brothers and morgan orion
analog recap
analog leftovers, traces of my awesome mixtape and efterklang.
kontraste pt.1(?)
very few photos from the kontraste - 'seltsame musik' festival. something fucked up my mood, resulting in very few and crappy photos. almost useless. don't count on me for photos from the second week end.
((( d i v )))
((( d i v )))
gustav & band
gustav & band
bunny lake
bunny lake
fitze fatze #6
bulbul + tumido
crazy bitch in a cave
crazy bitch in a cave
part 1 and part 2 of the festkakao. had to leave earlier so you might not find photos all your favourite bands here but there's some of vortex rex, brooke's bedroom, paper bird, a thousand fuegos in part 1, adrian orange and her band and spoenk in part 2.
munch munch
munch munch.
my awesome mixtape
my awesome mixtape.
irmie vesselsky, boy omega
irmie vesselsky, boy omega.
guertel nightwalk XI
some photos from this years guertel nightwalk. see some of sir tralala, mord and neigungsgruppe sex, gewalt & gute laune.
led to sea
led to sea singing of ghosts, stars and aliens.
rabe and the rabbit's moon.
ugly iglu
ugly iglu being loud and very good at that.
vortex rex, liger, sir tralala
vortex rex, liger, sir tralala as part 3 of this years seayou abc.
makki & frau herz
makki & frau herz and the sun, the sun, the sun. in colour but I might spontaneously decide to convert them to black&white some time next week.
szenebleibt.at good bye, szene wien? szenebleibt.at for more info.
soap&skin dj set/performance. forget about the rest.
britta im gewitter
britta playing right before a thunderstorm hits.
good bye, szene wien
the scarabeusdream, bell etage and stimmgewitter augustin as a farewell to the szene wien. you will be missed.
good enough for you, rabe
good enough for you and rabe.
manfred hofer, jay lesser + matmos
ten photos of manfred hofer and matmos supported by jay lesser.
15 years monochrom; audiospam
monochrom & audiospam. long time no see.
ten years rhiz (pt10)
s.kushima/a.tell/m.eisenmann and wipeout as the final part on celebrating 10 years rhiz. I'm done for now.
fitze fatze five and ten years rhiz (pt9)
bulbul with carla bozulich ahead of me, standing guard.
ten years rhiz (pt8)
sir tralala, elektrosense and a thousand fuegos (and I promise, I promise, I promise, I promise I'll have the right picture of you one day.)
makki & frau herz
after makki & frau herz I promise you'll have breakfast one morning and whistle to that tune, you will, my dear sailor.
ten years rhiz (pt7)
dieb13+fennesz. don't fade, just don't.
ten years rhiz (pt6)
nsa and fuckhead! some of the photos might not be safe for work, don't look if you're afraid of semi-transparent undies!
ten years rhiz (pt5)
a tribute to nico
traces of sir tralala, laokoongruppe, metalycee, fritz ostermayer, soap&skin and otto lechner
go die big city! go die big city! go die big city! go die big city! go die big city! go die big city! go die big city!
ten years rhiz (pt4)
bruckmayr and nitro mahalia. I have seen the light!
boris from japan. probably one of my last concerts at the ((szene)), some more on this later. you probably know why if you live here and have been reading the papers.
mediengruppe telekommander
mediengruppe telekommander. have a click.
ten years rhiz (pt3)
hooray for vortex rex, b.fleischmann and tnt jackson. hooray for the rhiz!
ten years rhiz (pt2)
yet another evening at the rhiz with haswell&hecker (sorry, no photos, I just kept my eyes closed) and whitehouse cleaning your auditory system. don't bother listening to them on myspace, see them live, it's just fucking mental - want more!
ten years rhiz (pt1)
another anniversary with a lot more to come. for now here's good enough for you and gustav&band celebrating 10 years of rhiz.
six years
francis international airport and nitro mahalia celebrating 6 years of fluctuated rooms
would you?
would you mind going for a walk with me?
finally I put an end to the rotting of images on undeveloped film.
bliss at the donaufestival, fuckhead, mankind. dd kern in a car. also some bits of music from a while ago and a few glimpses from venice, warsaw and vienna.
crossing europe
some text might follow.
red worms' farm, the bug feat. warrior queen and my name is ann!
die radierer
finally some photos of die radierer on my intarwebs - have a look, quick, before they're gone!
bonanza, scarabeusdream, valesta project
how the f- did this entry disappear? anyway, here's
bonanza, the scarabeusdream and valesta project
reflector, soap&skin
one evening the air became solid. tiny bubbles rather breaking than bursting for you to draw an acoustic map of your lungs. I told you about echo chambers a while ago.
reflector and soap&skin
tupolev, port royal
tupolev and port royal leave me struggling for words. maybe I should have kept the german part of this website or maybe I should just be quiet now.
4/10th fitze fatze you're a shipwreck in death valley and just before you stranded angel eyes went blind, blind, blind. it might be your thirst but you can make out bulbul & martin siewert playing at a distance.
some b/w shots from venice, italy. some more to come as soon as I get my films developed and panoramas stitched.
jakuzi's attempt & the scarabeusdream
jakuzi's attempt and the scarabeusdream in a wire-global mission to end all boredom.
3/10th fitze fatze bulbul & nincompoop performing. performing! I'm ex, -hausted and -cited.
thalija & nach der doktor vornoff strategie
thalija and nach der doktor vornoff strategie. friendly people gathering, you could stumble, they'd stop your fall.
black dice & quehenberger
quehenberger and black dice glowing in the dark.
thalija, mord, bulbul
thalija is not a book store (spelling!), mord didn't kill anyone and bulbul doesn't fly.
but they have guitars. plenty.
sir richard bishop and earth. a tremor, leading all the way down to your bone marrow.
vortex rex! japanther!
j'ai perdu mon coeur to vortex rex and probably my mind to japanther.
2/10th fitze fatze
bulbul and maja osojnik generating heap overflows in your auditory systems with another part of 10x fitze fatze. this is something to woo about.
daneben 4 festival (pt.3)
the third evening with tupolev, the ghosts & the band and the unknown lovers.
daneben 4 festival (pt. 2)
the second evening with leeps akam, delilah and gonzo.
daneben 4 festival
it's the daneben festival again, which means it's time to discover and rediscover gems of the local music scene. the first evening with patiocrash, vortex rex and tumido.
1/10th fitze fatze
the rhiz is a cosy place in vienna, where in winter water vapor condensates on windows when people start dancing so trees can paint patterns with shadows. on this particular occasion bulbul and philipp quehenberger were performing the first part of this years 10x fitze fatze. beware, for they bring costumes and guitars!
lake, frozen
this year I'll start shooting more non-music. might be just yet another new year's resolution but I've been planning to look at other things for quite some time now. these shots for example were taken a few weeks ago, walking around a small frozen lake in upper austria or salzburg, somewhere around that corner.
2007 | live music photography
being late
kohelet tanzt fuer ehe[n] ohne grenzen with laokoongruppe, andy korg and roland von der aist. somehow got there late and missed a big part of laokoongruppe. and the last few days I was ill and feverish so it took me more than a week to update. some were shot on kodak portra 400nc (the square ones). not sure whether I'll continue shooting 6x6 on concerts.
don't feel cold
shineform & didi bruckmayr carving sound, lungs as echo chambers, spinal cords as strings, the mirror flips up, see yourself, a picture is taken.
black and white and colour
it might just work, this little juxtaposition of black and white and colour photos of lonely drifter karen & lacrosse. it might.
liger & good enough for you
photos of liger and good enough for you in somewhat of a cosy living room-like chamber performance.
photos of mono in what just might be scattered moonlight on vast soundscapes.
the scarabeusdream
the scarabeusdream working with soundmagic till exhaustion, no less.
ghosts. some might remind you of lonely drifter karen, others of the national. things that happened in november.
not looking for astronauts
the national with supporting act hayden. I was gleefully looking forward to this evening for a long time and surely wasn't disappointed.
lonely drifter karen
lonely drifter karen took me on a journey oh so sweet, eyes closed, clapping, catching a few glimpses. some b&w shots to follow next week when I get my film developed.
cocktailrobots cause havoc. they want us dead. I shit you not I witnessed them spilling dozens of litres of wodka+orange juice onto the floor. behold! the roboexotica in colour!
ok universe releaseparty
cherry sunkist released her record 'ok universe' which you should definitely listen to. on repeat. now!
rome, italy
some things I've seen in rome. most of the time I was watching movies at the rome film fest, but every now and then-
(shot on ilford xp2)
spoenk & the tellers
autumn unfolds as spoenk and the tellers play, sing, dance and cheer. glowing cheeks, autumn unfolds in technicolor.
from paris to vienna
this is offtopic. I know. a few images I shot on bw film in paris and vienna sometime in september. paris and vienna in no chrono- or other logical order whatsoever.
chairs on backs
I'm back at the fluc again, listening to chairs on backs and sweaty fingers triggering that clicking noise.
wipeout at the chelsea, most difficult if you don't know whether you want to dance to or photograph them. I had my fair share of both! I want to be a camera, a camera, a camera-
make some noise for- no, the other way round: MIR at the fluc, they made some good noise, can still hear that ringing in my ears.
the locust
it was loud. it was good. otto von schirach & the locust at the fluc. felt like 20.000 volts.
lady lynch
probably the most charming band I have seen so far, lady lynch playing at the fluc. :)
guertel nightwalk
nitro mahalia & bulbul performing at the guertel nightwalk in front of the rhiz, rocking the audience.
sir tralala
behold! sir tralala!! at the fluc!!! not enough exclamation marks-
temp~ festival
enjoy some shots from the temp~ electronic music festival, click here for
the first part of the gallery and here for the
second. to each (evening) its own.
some photos of landscape
izuma and paper bird at the fluc. my polaroid camera died on
me, still wouldn't want to have missed this evening.
enjoy some pics of 4 very photogenic bands at the kunstmue festival 07
food for animals
food for
animals revisited! about a year ago I saw them at the ruin
festival and knew I'd have to see them again. fortunately I did!
had to take out my new baby, an olympus xa, to a concert of audiospam, see
for yourself what a compact camera from the late 70ies is capable of
producing when confronted with such delicate music!
georg freizeit
you see, there is no reason not to have another look at georg freizeitperforming,
especially in such a beautiful mix of analog goodness. all
shots taken with fuji press 800, kodak bw400cn and polaroid type 600
film. go, have a look!
photos of the 404
festival for electronic art with various international acts
performing, visualizing, djing. 404, page luckily found.
evening #3
of the daneben3 with szely (visuals syl.eckermann), couscous and
metalycee. what a show!
evening #2
of the daneben3 featuring ((( D I V ))), nitro mahalia and brain
managerz! klicketyklickklickklick!
evening #1
the daneben3 festival with marvellous live music from martin
siewert, good enough for you and b.o.s. - come on in, have a look
kick ass at that lovely artsy vernissage from the academy of fine arts
cherry sunkist
on my arrival at the fluc around midnight I almost thought the showwas
already over. to my luck it hadn't even started at that time,
here's the proof: cherry
hooray! I won tickets for the springsevenfestival
in graz. just had to get there by train and find a place to
stay, so it was almost like for free! 'twas well worth the trouble. the
five galleries feature the concerts of steed
lord, shit disco, laokoon
gruppe, lotek,
ceephax acid crew and didi
georg freizeit
It's a pity that you can only /look/ at georg freizeit
here. next time make sure you also come and listen!
paper bird, thalija. DIY
roughly ten years of do it yourself culture in vienna being celebrated,
this evening with paper
bird and thalija
gustav, kids on tv
pictures taken after enjoying hundreds of feet of film passing me by: gustav and kids on tv
performing in the nightline of the crossing europe film festival.
client have a
look at client.
you'll have another.
paper bird
flying hour with paper bird
at the rhiz. :)
stringfellow & all
star band
closing to a lecture about the aesthetics of horror(www.intermedial.at)
an evening at the b72 with ken stringfellow+all
star band shot
digitally. and a small series of analog photos
sound:frame pt.5
great last evening of the sound:frame festivals. thanks for the
marvellous light! sound:frame
- part V
sound:frame pt.4
the fifth evening of living AV-culture in the k/haus, sound:frame - part IV
sound:frame pt.3
sound:frame continued, the fourth evening, part III of the series:
silhouettes! sound:frame
- part III
sound:frame pt.2
sound:frame continued, the third evening, part II of the series. sound:frame - part II
sound:frame pt.1
exquisite audio-visual experience in the kuenstlerhausfoyer at the
opening of the sound:frame
festival. to be continued, hopefully!
vienna, february 03, 2007 at the WUK. leaves nothing to be desired, fuckhead
fm4 celebrates its birthday on january 20, 2007 photos of jarvis
cocker and jeans team
2006 | live music photography
didi bruckmayr with clemens haipl and alex joechtl on december 12, 2006
at the rhiz. stop,
look and listen
daleks friends! pics from the roboexotica 2006, hear, hear! have a sip
(december 8, 2006).
hurra, the fluc wanne was opened, have a look! gustav on october 27,
ruin pics from the first day of the ruin II festival, june 10, 2006.
venetian snares, nitro mahalia and have a look, photos from the venetian snares show and nitro mahalia at the WUK, june 4, 2006.
final fantasy
oooh, blurry, shaky pics
from the final fantasy concert, may 19, 2006 in the szene