Images from the third evening of the
sound:frame festival with music from Lena (con:trust, female:pressure, Linz), Milou (shellbeach, Graz), Dunja (PLAY.FM, female:pressure, Wien) and Vanja (PLAY.FM, sorry no bonus, Wien) and visuals from Mimu (kamuflaas digital, sofa 23, Graz, Wien) and e:v/a (ei(s)kon:fekt, Wien) at the
Kuenstlerhauskino Foyer, Mar. 02 2007, Vienna.
all images copyleft
david murobi.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Austria License.
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other sound:frame pics:
I part II
part III part IV part V